How can you Make a Will Legally Binding Involving Custody of Children?
Who would take care of my children if I were to pass away? This can be a very hard question to think about as a parent, but it is a very important one to ask. To prevent the courts from deciding what will happen to your minor child after you die, estate planning documents can be drafted so that a guardian of your choice is elected to take care of them. Listed below, are some steps that will help guide you through the process of creating a legal will in Nevada.
Which people in my life are possible options to be the legal guardians of my children in my will?
Often a good choice is someone you trust as well as someone your children are comfortable with. With that being said, people often choose close friends or family members as they are most familiar with you and your children. It is also smart to name one or more contingent guardians in your will in case your first choice is not able to take care of your children.
Prepare and execute the will to follow Nevada State Laws
When drafting a will in Nevada, it is important that specific literature is included that will abide by the laws of the state. In order to make sure your will is put into effect, it is required that you follow Nevada’s legal formalities. Some of these formalities include having the will be written and having it signed by at least two witnesses. Hiring an estate planning attorney in Nevada can help make sure that the will is executed to the state’s standards.
Name an executor on your will
Once the will is completed, it is crucial that you choose someone who knows where the will is kept. This person is also known as executor. It is common for people to name the person who will take guardianship of their children as the executor.
Carlson & Work Estate Planning Lawyers in Reno, NV
The process of creating a will can be done with ease by hiring an Estate Planning Attorney in Reno, NV. If you would like to get more information about creating a will, please call Carlson & Work at 775-386-2226 to book a consultation now.